NeuroTrance™ Yoga


Elevate your life with our Empowering Mind, Body, Soul, lIFE Coaching Program designed for Trailblazers and Change-Makers!

The only way to be Super-Human, is to...


Get the support we all need to transform stress, anxiety, overwhlem into Rock-Solid Confidence so you can, bring your A-Game while adressing your innermost needs!

Utilize Cutting-Edge Transformational Technologies

Align your Mind, Body, Soul, and LIFE and get your Conscious, Subconscious, and your Neurology primed for success by using these cutting-edge transformational mental technologies crafted especially for this one-of-a-kind, coaching program, so you can be who you need to be to get the job done at a heightened level while caring for your innermost needs.

Tracking/Bullet Journal

Track your progress: Do check in’s with the app, and update your progress towards your goals and/or use it as a Bullet Journal to track insights and inspirations as you do this profound, and pivotal inner work, so you can deeply impact your work out in the world while supporting your innermost needs.

Get The Support We All Need

Follow a proven process: Get the support, that we all need to overcome the anxiety, stress, and overwhelm that comes with the territory of being a Visionary Leader, a Soulpreneur, or a Creative Artist, so we can bring our A-Game and really explore what we're made of!




NeuroTrance™ Coaching,

helps you to take back the reigns of your life by transforming your neurology, and your subconscious so you can align with your highest intentions for yourself, your life, and how you show up in the world.

helps you to take back the reigns of your life by transforming your neurology, and your subconscious so you align with your highest intentions for yourself, your life, and how you show up in the world. hat have held you back for so long... so you can SHINE BRIGHTLY owning your potential and loving who you are so you can powerfully show up in life and share your gifts with the world.




,NeuroTrance™ Yoga

is the ultimate Mind-Body-Soul-LIFE™ Yoga practice which integrates NeuroTrance™ Coaching, so you can empower your life by grounding the awareness, and shifts of these deep, pivotal changes physically, mentally, and emotionally, spiritually, creating lightening fast results. It is essentially the art and practice of becoming the YOU,

you desire.

The Experience.

"Fast Clarity"

After just one yoga practice I felt completely focused, positive and confident. I can't wait to explore more of this program.



"So neat that technology can bring us the connection to such great teachers!"

Wow! This is the real deal!

After each practice, I feel totally dialed in, focused, and once again connected to my confidence.

I have gained some beautiful wisdom & found some really great habits from this wonderful woman!

Thank you, Vanessa!

-Billie LeJeune

"Truly Unique experience"

I've just started with this program and I'm already noticing results in my stress and confidence levels.


Vanessa Smith is the creator and founder of NeuroTrance™ Coaching and NeuroTrance™ Yoga and a Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Demolition Coach™. She has spent over a decade working with an extensive client list including Executives, Professional Athletes, Entrepreneurs, and Creative Artists as well as everyday heroes including single moms, firefighters

and the list goes on.

Vanessa is passionate about cultivating the very best from her clients motivating and challenging them to dive deep utilizing NeuroTrance™ Coaching & NeuroTrance™ Yoga app so they can reach their most desired outcomes, truly seeing what they are made of and enjoying every step of the way!


Austin Texas

all services are online, or within the App

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